Magic Inviolence
After all the hype in the Canadian bookstores for the last few months announcing the coming of the seventh Potter, I was looking forward to the moment that the final installment would go on sale. In my minds eye, I could envision the upcoming war zone. With a few remaining copies left in any store, parents would frantically fulfill their offspring's desire. They would curse while tugging and tearing their copy, fists would go flying, guns being drawn and a whole new generation of orphans would be spawned over the arrival of the fictional British boy wonder.
celebrating the arrival of teh Potter
How disappointing the actual events were.
I went inside, inspected the huge table filled with Potter books, lifted one up, turned it around, went to the cashier and flashed my credit card. Three minutes later, I was one more Potter episode richer. No fight, no blood, no massacre. Frustrated with the lack of violence, I bumped into a kid on my way out... her mom apologized for putting her in the way. What happened to this once so uncivilized world ?
During my absence
While in Holland, the SO had the brilliant idea of a fly trap. The trap consisted of some wine, bread and raw meats roasted over charcoal, until they were burned and charcoaly. The flies consisted of the majority of friends who admitted they liked the blog a lot, but they never actually read it (therefore I feel perfectly safe making this remark. Any friends who somehow feel addressed, please leave a note at the bottom so I will exclude you in future insults).
how many people ...
The rationale behind this trap was that my stay in Holland was short and filled with thrilling events revolving around not getting anywhere with the autistic entity called Dutch Bureaucracy (and its equally incompetent servants). Instead of visiting my friends one by one for the brief duration of my stay in Holland, the SO organized the said trap in the woods of Amsterdam. The prospect of raw slabs of meat being roasted over burning charcoal was enough to attract the significant amount of friends, on time or otherwise.
In short the trap was a big success, thanks to everybody who showed up for making time and the SO for organizing the entire event.
Currently in a theater near you, you may find this showing called “Transformers”. Definitely worth while your time, especially if you spent many hours in your childhood changing a robot in a car / plane / tyrannosaurus. What's more interesting however, is a trailer shown prior to this movie.
The trailer shows a party being thrown for this Rob dude. Rob is about to leave for Japan and using an ultra urban and hip shaky cam shoots the last few moments of the party. After a couple of interviews with friends, the events are rudely interrupted by a angry roar of some extremely unhappy creature. Well see for yourself.
It's a brilliant piece of viral marketing: the clip shows everything you need to know, but gives nothing away except for that little date at the end. The internets are buzzing with the latest rumors and speculations on this movie. Let's hope the movie will live up to its hype.
You´re welcome.... Next time you´re back, I´m sure everyone will all come to you... x
I´ll make sure there´s plenty of raw meat and other things around.
I'm offended.
You can't be offended and anonymous.
Wow 3 comments (now 4)... you´re on a roll!
No updates... what are me, the SO and your mum gonna do with our Monday morning now !!!
Whats 3 by 3 dishes anyway ???
This will make it 7 comments....
I wonder if I can write some jscript that spams this blog with anonymous posts....
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