The first weekend in Vancoover is aboot to take its place in history. While waiting for inspiration to write a real blog, I'll take you on a short toor along some of the sights witnessed this first weekend.
A testimony to the old age of the hotel. It still used pigeons to send messages, in this case my wake up call. Nevermind that this is (1) not a pigeon, (2) I was already awake four hours thanks to the jet lag, (3) the stupid bird forgot its lines, but instead was still expecting a cookie.
I fear no fire as this cutesy firestation is located in my street, slightly across my building. Pay special attention to the tower overlooking Vancoover, checking for any sign of smoke or fire. Did I mention my tower and four other towers roughly ten times the size of that tower surroond the fire station. Oh well it's the thought that coonts I guess...
Vancoover is a Gay / Lesbian - friendly city, across town you'll find plenty of pubs, hotels and clubs waving the rainbow coloored flag. Vancooverian architects try to advertise this by using pink material in their buildings. I suspect no self - respecting gay individual with any sense of taste woold like to live there, but oh well... And no, I'm not going to rotate this picture, I respect its non-straightness.
A ten minute walk from my apartment brings you into Vancoover harboor which offers some amazing views on the surroonding moontain ridges. Those trees in the front of the moontains belong to Stanley park. I was told, this park was once the home to an impressive fortess intended to keep oot those nasty Americans in case they decided to Blame Canadia.
Stanley park is situated in the north of downtown Vancoover. This picture is taken from Burrard Bridge in the sooth of Vancoover. There are plenty of gorgeoos sites indeed in this fine city. Notice that white thingy at the bottom left of the photo. That is worlds most insignificant ferry. It cannot take more than two modestly sized passengers. Moreover it cannot hold more fuel enough to travel say for 30 metres, which is exactly the distance from one shore to the other.

Stay tuned for more pictures disclosed at an unspecified time.
Do they have a Canadian to English dictionary over there?
No but I saw a Moose to Canadian one.
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