Sooner or later prologues end and turn into the actual story. This prologue is no different. This will be the last entry of this prologue, within a couple of days it will make way for Chapter 1.
As the cliche goes: the last few months have gone by in the blink of an eye. I've spend these days packing, arranging but above all saying goodbye to the people here in Europe I care about. Sadly I haven't had the chance to see all of you; I guess that leaves you no other option than come visit me in Canada as soon as possible. To those who have been visiting or have been visited, I thank you for your time, efforts and hospitality. If anything makes this departure difficult it's thanks to you.

Although we should have an opportunity to meet again here, in the Netherlands, in six months or so, I'm pretty sure that in the meantime I will miss all of you. A lot.
We'll be in touch...
Hey Mark,
All the best in your next adventure! Take care! :-)
PS. You could have asked me a better picture ;)
mr Patman
Sorry I was meaning to take a picture of you, except I forgot. Happened to Ozz, Coen and Matt as well. Feel free to send me a better muckshot :)
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