The weekly uncovering of the urban lifestyle, contemporary trends and other (Canadian) peculiarities from a totally biased and nonobjective European perspective. Infiltration, intrigues, wonder and more ...
ast week covered the urban phenomena riding the curve of trendiness. The urban topic will be left to what it was. However there was still some vital visual evidence missing in that file, proving the extend of the urban infestation. This week's update makes up for that. Enjoy the splendor of these urban shots.
As we speak, proverbially so, the blog count has reached 25. Meanwhile more than 250 people have taken notice of all this randomness. Therefore it's time to reflect on the achievements of this little place in the vastness of the blogosphere. So buy yourself some expensive Champagne, pretend I paid for it and raise your glass to whatever you feel is appropriate.
While I have the attention, I would like to point out one or two little things.
On the right hand side, you will find links to other blogs. Several of these are random, I happen to stumble onto them every now and then. Others are from people to which I'm related in some fashion or another. By all means check them out every now and then.
Below the blog links you will find the Infiltration progression map. As it's one of Google's many nifty little geeky toys, I felt the beta tag was obligatory. The infiltration progression map will show you an overview of Vancouver and many of the (re)markable spots in and around it. Some of these are related to blog entries, others are not (or not yet).
Eventually I intend to start a franchise based on this infiltration map. It will feature undiscovered points of interest that get bring people around the world in touch with the local civilization. Or in lack thereof, just the locals. The franchise will be named “Alone on a Planetoid” and will feature a cheap black and white print made at my office. Maybe it's not one of the most solid business plans around, but I guess it beats waiting for the google adsense to make me a millionaire.
Since we're on the topic of good intentions and future certainties. I will be doing a tour around Europe early July, featuring some lectures and signing sessions... Dates and other arrangements will follow, please contact my agent (SO) for more details.

Normally I'm not too big of a fan of this kind of "humour", but the "do you think that ..." line is just brilliance. I just can't withheld this little gem from all you people with a taste far better than mine.
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