Next year, same time, things will probably be somewhat different from where I am now. These are the attempts to write an entertaining collection of meaningless contemplations and tales leading up to the coming changes...
The Netherlands actually has a history , which results in a fair share of culture... Now there should be a point here about how valuable and important culture is. But I'm afraid there isn't.
Feel free to contemplate the need for patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance [wiki] . By all means discuss your contemplations in the comments, it may prove to be quite interesting. Especially if someone could do that discussion a favor and introduce elements of superiority of one culture versus another or mention the absolute lameness of cultural relativism (or was that moral relativism ?).
All that and more left as an exercise for the reader.
Anyway, while I'm still in this country, I decided to absorb as much culture as I found convenient. The last two weeks I happened to find myself in an unbelievable one museum per weekend. This unsurpassed level of cultural exposure can't pass without dreadful consequences. So let me abuse this minute of your attention by addressing my audience who take an interest in art.
Forget for a minute those museums that you would go to anyway , to stand in line for hours to see a painting or two. To you, my faithful reader, I'll disclose three museums that actually left a memory... next time. Maybe I'll even include somewhat of a point, or subliminal message.
Nevertheless here's an impression of the upcoming blog...
something random:
Guo_Si: Hey, you know what sucks?
TheXPhial: vaccuums
Guo_Si: Hey, you know what sucks in a metaphorical sense?
TheXPhial: black holes
Guo_Si: Hey, you know what just isn't cool?
TheXPhial: lava?
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